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★ Deleting a Room

Delete rooms you no longer need

Kenny Dickie avatar
Written by Kenny Dickie
Updated over 10 months ago

Rooms can be deleted if you no longer need them. Note that your default room cannot be deleted so the option will be greyed out

Deleting a Room

To start, click on Rooms, then find the room that you want to delete and click the delete icon to the far right of the room name.

Once you click the delete icon, a confirmation message will show. Keep in mind that this is a permanent action and cannot be undone and if there is a roster attached, it will also be deleted. Any reports will remain available.

Activity Running Message

If there's an activity running in the room, you won't be able to delete it. You'll see the message below:

To finish an activity, go to the Results tab in your account and click the Finish button. Check out this guide to help you on how to end an activity

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