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★ Sharing Quiz Results with Students

Send out reports to students via email

Kenny Dickie avatar
Written by Kenny Dickie
Updated over a week ago

To share quiz results with your students you need to have a Paid Socrative plan. This allows for a roster to be set up in your room. If you don't have a roster, check out this article first to help you setup a roster

After an activity is complete, you'll have the option to generate reports or email results to students as a group or individually.

To do this, find the report you need and click Email Results to Students:

A new window will open to choose your report format:

  • You can choose to include explanations and correct answers

  • Choose whether you'd like to Email Individuals or Email All Students

Choosing to email all students will send it to all your students. When choosing to email individuals, your student roster will appear:

Select the students you'd like to send reports to. Note that you can only select students that have an email and have participated in the quiz. Any students that don't have an email entered in your student roster or did not participate will be shown in grey. If you need to, you can always Edit your Roster to add emails.

Once you've selected, click Email Student and a confirmation message will show:

And that's it! The selected students will have their own copies of their quiz results emailed to them.

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