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Verifying your Email Address

Verify your email address to keep your account secure

Allison Gottlieb avatar
Written by Allison Gottlieb
Updated over a month ago

Having a verified email address allows teachers to easily reset their passwords and keep accounts secure.

Upon signing up for Socrative as a new teacher, you will see a message asking you to verify your email address. Simply click the Verify Email link in the banner to be emailed a verification code.

The confirmation email will contain a code that is valid for 15 minutes upon receipt and will look a bit like this:

Upon receipt, enter the code referenced in the email. You can then navigate back to Socrative and be confident that your email has been verified.

If your link expires, you can always request another one by clicking Verify Email in the banner in Socrative.

Note: If your account has been created for you (by our team) as part of a school subscription, it will be automatically verified and require no action on your part.

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