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Deliver a Space Race

Launch an engaging, interactive activity using space races

Kenny Dickie avatar
Written by Kenny Dickie
Updated over 10 months ago

Space Races are a fun way to engage students by allowing them to work together on a quiz you have created.

Start a Space Race

  1. Go to the Launch tab

  2. Click on Space Race

  3. Select the quiz you want to deliver as a Space Race (be sure the quiz you select has questions with correct answers selected. (The rockets won’t move unless there is a correct answer specified).

4. Choose your settings on how you'd like to launch the Space Race. After adding your students, click Start.

Space Race Settings

Choose the number of teams. Students can:

  • Play by themselves on their own computer or mobile device

  • Play together by sharing a single computer or mobile device

  • Play together on the same team, but answering on separate computers or mobile devices

You can select students to choose their own teams or be randomly assigned to a team. If you choose auto-assign and there are more students than the number of teams, Socrative will attempt to split them evenly between teams.

You can also change the icon or choose to have a countdown timer (the countdown can be up to 45 minutes).

Choose your additional quiz settings to customize your space race according to your students' learning. 

Space Race Results

Once you begin a race, you'll be able to see the team's progress in your Results tab. You can project your screen so students can watch their progress too.

When you're done, click Finish to gather reports or go back to the Launch page. 

If you have a timer running, the time remaining will be shown in a green header. You can click on the X on the right side to remove the timer. Once the timer runs out or is removed, the Space Race will be finished.

Once finished, you can gather reports for the space race.

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