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Pausing Your Quiz

Pause and resume a quiz for your students at any time

Allison Gottlieb avatar
Written by Allison Gottlieb
Updated over a week ago

Pause is available for Socrative Essentials and Pro teachers and is available in every activity type except Space Race.

Did the bell ring before you could finish the quiz with your students? Has another interruption occurred? Perhaps you'd like to take time after each question to discuss answers or deliver personalized feedback! Regardless of the situation, you can pause and resume your quiz as needed.

Pausing your quiz allows you to focus on:

  • Time Management: Maintain a well-paced lesson and quiz regardless of any interruptions that may occur.

  • Prompting Student Engagement: Re-engage & re-energize distracted students by taking a break and resuming your quiz at a more suitable time.

  • Assessment: Review any progress up until this point and provide actionable feedback to your students.

  • Technical Issues/Emergency Plan: Pause your quiz, respond to technical issues or unexpected situations, and resume the quiz afterward.

  • Promoting Reflection & Class Clarity: Promote student discussion and reflection at any time mid-assessment to ensure understanding.

How to Pause a Quiz

After launching a quiz, you can pause it from the Live Results tab in Socrative.

Pause Quiz in Socrative

Students cannot submit answers while a quiz is paused. Instead, they will see an 'Activity Paused' screen until the quiz is resumed.

Activity Paused for Student in Socrative

You can also see which active quizzes are paused by checking the room's 'status' from the Rooms tab in Socrative.


If you intend to pause your quiz for an extended time (e.g., until the next class), please consider turning One Attempt ON when launching the quiz. This will ensure students' progress is not lost when logging out and back into their quiz.

If One Attempt is OFF, we recommend students stay logged in while waiting for the quiz to resume. For more information on quiz launch settings, see this article.

How to Resume a Quiz

Resuming a quiz is available from the Live Results tab in Socrative.

Resume Quiz in Socrative

Pausing a Teacher-Paced Quiz

During a teacher-paced activity in Socrative, you can pause the quiz before showing the results. This will prevent students from submitting responses after viewing the correct answer.

When you are ready to move on to the next question, you can resume the quiz so students can continue submitting responses.

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