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Deliver Quick Questions

Use quick questions to receive personalized responses from students

Kenny Dickie avatar
Written by Kenny Dickie
Updated over a week ago

Quick Questions can be used to do quick check-ins with your class! These questions are typically said out-loud or written out for students on the board. Students can then answer these quick questions using Socrative. Use this guide to learn how to launch a quick question and find out more about the types of quick questions available.

Table Of Contents

Launching a Quick Question

To start any type of quick question, tap Launch and select your question type at the bottom section of the screen. You can choose from the same 3 question types Socrative quizzes offer: Multiple Choice, True & False or Short Answer:

Short Answer Quick Questions

You can enter your question (optional) in the text box or simply say the question out loud in class or write it on the board!

  • You can toggle on/off unlimited responses so that students can submit more than one answer

  • Determine whether students require names to join or if you'd like to keep responses anonymous (this is always turned on for rostered rooms)

  • Allow students one attempt or multiple attempts - if turned on, students who log out and log back in will not be able to participate again

Click Start when you're ready to begin!

When your students are finished, they will click Submit Answer and Live Results are updated on your screen in real-time:

You can hide a response from live results by clicking Remove to the right of the response. Although they will be hidden on the results screen, these responses will still appear in your reports. You can choose to Show/Hide Answers or Show/Hide Names on this page. This can be useful if you're sharing the responses with students by projecting this page in front of the class, for example.

Click Finish Activity once you're done with the activity to gather reports

Keep in mind, only whole class excel reports will be available for this type of activity.

Start a Poll From a Short Answer Quick Question

While delivering a Short Answer Quick Question, you have the option to launch a follow-up poll based on the student's answers. You can use any criteria you feel suitable! For example, students can vote on the response that they feel is the most valuable, their favorite response, the options are endless.

The results of your student poll will appear on the Results page in real-time.

To start a poll while a Short Answer Quick Question is active, click on Start Vote:

Your students will be presented with the class responses to cast their vote(s):

Student view

Ask your students to select an answer based on whatever criteria you chose.

When you are done with the polling activity, click Finish Activity. You can then start a new Quick Question directly from the Results tab - just click one of the question types in the Another Question section at the bottom of the screen.

Click Finish Activity once you're finished. Keep in mind, only whole class excel reports will be available for this type of activity.

Multiple Choice Quick Questions

For Multiple Choice quick questions, you can have up to 5 answers options.

The question will appear blank for your students - please have them refer to your verbal question or a handwritten copy to respond correctly.

Your live results will show you how many students have selected each response.

Click Finish Activity anytime when you're ready to close the activity. You can also start a new quick question by selecting from the question choices at the bottom of the page.

Keep in mind, reports will not be generated for Multiple Choice Quick Questions.

True or False Quick Questions

Once the true or false quick question is started, students connected to your room can choose their answer:

Meanwhile, in your Results tab, you will see how many students selected true or false.

Click Finish Activity anytime you're ready to close the activity.

Because True/False, Quick Questions are meant for a quick assessment, reports are not generated for them. If you need reports, we suggest Creating a Quiz.

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